NLP is for people who have demonstrated a commitment to their growth and personal/professional development. Who, in my mind, have the capacity to help others go beyond their potential. And have the capacity to incorporate the skills that NLP has to offer to make the world a better place to live by being better themselves.
Here is what some people have said about it:
My NLP training has re-awakened my self-confidence and strengthened my inner peace. It helped me overcome my known fears and manage new ones. And most of all NLP has instilled in me the belief that I already possess the needed resources to be successful at anything. The tools learned in NLP are a lifetime resource for anyone desiring career success and healthy personal relationships with family and friends.
Thank you! I'm loving the class, I have already felt huge shifts in my mind. My flexibility is so much more than it was 2 months ago. The class is worth every penny and more!
I have received a lot of sales training in my career. It has all been helpful in learning the basics of speaking/listening/closing etc. It wasn't until I started my training with Susan and NLP that I saw fundamental shifts in the way I interact with my clients. I now ask similar questions as I always did, yet now am able to uncover hidden criteria in my clients' responses that tell me how to sell to each of them. I am no longer stuck selling in my own particular style but can be flexible and adapt to my client's style.
There are things going on under the surface of our interactions that I never knew existed until now, yet looking back they seem so elementary. I highly recommend Susan's training. FYI, I have only taken her beginning level 1 class and was able to reap big rewards from it. I can't wait to learn the advanced stuff!
[My company] has just received confirmation of the largest single consulting contract in its sixteen year history. I believe it is more than coincidental that this contract was landed after my completion of your "NLP for Consultative Sales" and during my participation in your "NLP Practitioner" course. The concepts of NLP which I learned through your leadership and which I applied during the course of the negotiations made for a most enjoyable and fruitful experience...
What is NLP?
It is the art and science of influence. It is a set of skills and processes that allows individuals to model excellence in communication, learning and behavior. It is a system for understanding human beings. When you understand the system of computers, it is easy to make changes in and fix your computer. When you understand the system of marketing, it is easy to market a product or service with success. When you understand how a car works, you can easily learn how to fix your car. Learning about people and what motivates them to do what they do and think what they think is the key to all communication and influence. There are many things we cannot control, but NLP teaches you how to control those things that are controllable with skill and elegance.
What you do want? No one said life is fair, but it can be a lot easier!
Increase in income?
Maybe you make enough money. Maybe you’d like to enjoy it more. Maybe you would like to make it more easily.
Ever wish you could be like that person where everything seems to fall into place and work out for them?
There is a reason for that. They think differently than other people do. You can learn this.
Do you have people in your life that are difficult to get along with? Or have prospects that you want to do business with but can’t seem to get them closed?
There is a reason for that also. Communicating to those people in a way that they can REALLY hear you is the key to success and win/win agreements
Or maybe there are certain situations that you don’t feel right in. Or you get nervous when you have to stand in front of an audience. Did you know that was easy to change?
Maybe you want “the good life” but cannot seem to get there. You can’t get ahead. Every time you do, something happens.
There is a reason for that. Our deep beliefs and values are not conscious to us. We have programs running in the background that stop us from the success we say we want.
Do you want to change them to get the success that you dream of? Do you just want to be happier? Live a more satisfying life?
Studying NLP can give you the tools to literally change any program that you run that stops you from being the person you want to be. You can make lasting permanent changes
Ok, so you like the person who you are. Do you want to make your life easier? Do you want to have skills that only a few people in the world have? Could you double your income and yet do less work? Are all of your relationships perfect?
In the NLP Practitioner program is designed to help you not only develop the skills to expertly handle people, it also helps you go from where you are now to where you want to go while developing tool chest that you can use for any difficult situation that you will be able to use automatically.
When I started taking NLP classes, I had no job, no income and no money. I felt out of control and in a downward spiral for which I had no skills to recover. I had done years of therapy with little results. As I took NLP and focused on my outcome of making money to support myself, I gently and without much thought let go of the patterns of thinking that kept me stuck and opened a whole new world of living for me that continues to be the hallmark of my life today. This is why I teach NLP and have for 22 years.
Do you want to lead your family members beyond where they are? You can transfer these skills to others. You cannot lead a child passed where you are. Children model all of your good and unresourceful patterns (the ones you don’t know about). If you want them to have success beyond yours, give them the kind of parenting they deserve.
I believe we can heal the world one person at a time. This is what NLP gives people.
Is it worth the time and money? Yes, it seems like a lot of money. No one has ever finished a NLP training and said it wasn’t worth it. Many people have said they wished they had taken it sooner. People spend a lot of time and money on things that will help them avoid the discomfort they find themselves in. It is a matter of priority. Doing avoidance behaviors will not solve problems or help with the difficulties that the world is presenting to us. But you can learn skills that you can easily use to resolve issues and move forward. I find that my students have a confidence about them that helps them get what they want and help the people around them with compassion.
NLP helps you get go clear about what you want, where there is no doubt or uncertain as to your ability to manifest it. Wouldn’t you like to be part of that elite group?
Here is what you can do:
Negotiate any deal
Get rid of past trauma
Get unstuck and realize when you are stuck.
Double to quadruple your income (yes, this is actually what happens)
Be more loving
Have satisfying relationships
Resolve conflict instead of avoiding it
Take control, stay in control
Be happier
Start behaviors you want to do
Stop behaviors you want to stop
Develop habits that support your success
Get rid of negative thought patterns, pictures, words
Go way beyond what you thought you were capable of
Overcome stage fright
And so much more!
I know people who didn’t have the money who had money just show up once they committed to doing the class. Commitment is the key. You have to say “yes” first. As far as time is concerned, time will open up with the commitment as well.
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