Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Be Informed

A couple of weeks ago, a TV program called The Mentalist offered a story that supposedly depicted what NLP was. What garbage! For anyone who watched it and is not familiar with what NLP really is, I am very sorry.

NLP is a set of tools that helps a person get from a "present" state to a "desired" state. It is one of the fastest instruments for emotional change. In the last 30 years, it has helped millions of people world wide heal traumas, phobias, change limiting, debilitating beliefs, heal illnesses, deal effectively with people and helped them live happier, balanced lives. Nowhere in the 20 years of NLP training with the most esteemed NLP trainers (many of whom started out as therapists) did anyone mention programming other people to do things against their will. (And if there happens to be a trainer out there that is, it is a very DISTORTED model of NLP)

The study of NLP allows a person to become aware of their own patterns of thinking and behavior and how they get the results in their life and gives them the ability to change them. It came out of studying what highly effective people do and developed a methodology for modeling excellence in human behavior, communication and learning.

Where some models of change will give people awareness of what is wrong, NLP is outcome based. In other words, a person must have a clear outcome before engaging the model. As far as building trust and rapport, we, as humans, all have the ability to match others and do it often. Ultimately the use of NLP widens our internal maps of reality and helps us develop creativity and behavioral flexibility. I've never understood how helping someone get what they want, takes away their humanity. I have developed more trust and tolerance and understanding of all human beings and their behavior. Who in the world doesn't need that right now.?

The entire program was defaming to all of us who are teaching others to get along better with others, heal past hurts, and become better at what they are doing in business and life.

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