Thursday, May 13, 2010

All Change is good

For years, a friend of mine told me this and I would think, "Huh?" How could all change be good? It depends on how you look at CHANGE. Unfortunately, most people look and experience change as "loss."

Do this exercise. Go back through your personal history and look at all the major changes in your life. After the change, what happened next after everything settle down?

Change for me represents something "different" and something "better." Eventhough some changes have represented losses for me, the situations were always replaced by something better than what I had. If I were still in the same relationship I had when I was married I wouldn't be happy with the person I am with today, nor would I be the same unhappy person I was back then.

People make themselves miserable trying to hold on to what they have, when what they can get as a replacement would be 10x better.

The other thing to think about is that even though change may represent something that isn't useful, it at least let's us get clear about where our boundaries are and what we don't want. Change, then affords us the opportunity to develop a viable replacement. The replacement still represents a change but it is about moving towards something better rather than moving away from something that is painful. When we move away from something painful, we can never get what we want because moving away from something painful doesn't specify where we are going.

If we don't know exactly where we are going, we will end up somewhere - the same place as we were before.

Flexibility in thinking towards possibilites of what CAN happen is the hallmark of genius.


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  2. Cool post! For many people, "change" is a bad word. To get new feedback so one can learn, one must change something.
